What is the confirmation statement?
Definition of the confirmation statement
The confirmation statement is a document that limited companies and LLPs must file at Companies House each year. For companies, the confirmation statement contains details of its directors and shareholders, while the confirmation statement of an LLP lists its members. For both limited companies and LLPs, the confirmation statement also shows the business's registered office address.
The confirmation statement replaces the annual return which also had to be filed with Companies House every year, but usually on the anniversary of the business’s incorporation. Just like the annual return, the confirmation statement gives Companies House a yearly snapshot of the management and ownership of the business and carries an annual filing fee.
The confirmation statement is a separate document from a business’s accounts and a company’s Corporation Tax Return.
The confirmation statement cannot currently be filed using FreeAgent but can be submitted directly to Companies House using the HMRC website.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between the confirmation statement and the annual return?
Unlike the annual return, the directors or members of a limited company or LLP can choose when to file the confirmation statement each year, as long as they do so within 12 months and 14 days of the previous year’s filing date. The annual return had to be submitted in full every year, even if the information that was being reported remained the same. Now, if there are no changes to report, it’s acceptable for the confirmation statement to be submitted with a simple note that effectively says ‘no changes this year’.
Another significant difference between the annual return and the confirmation statement is that the latter must include a list of ‘persons with significant control’ (PSCs). PSCs are mainly individuals who are not directors and who own at least 25% of the business.