Hot off the press

Roan Lavery
CEO, Co-founder
We’ve been crossing off more features on the ‘most requested’ list with email templates for estimates, improved journal entry control and more.
Email templates for estimate
If you’ve yet to discover the liberating and time saving power of invoice email templates then it might be worth checking out.
You can now also enjoy the same time-saving benefits by setting up default email templates for all your new estimates. Just create your template in Settings > Email Templates.
Choose a bank account when invoicing
You can now choose which bank account you’d like to be paid into, when you send your invoices. Just select the bank account from the More Options section when creating the invoice to add the relevant payment details to the invoice.
This is especially useful if you’ve started making use of multi-currency banking, and need to include these details on foreign currency invoices.
Estimates now searchable
The eternally useful search facility just got even handier thanks to the inclusion of Estimates in search results.
Just search from the top bar as normal, and you can search on estimate reference, amount, client and item description.
Improved journal entry
For many of us mere mortals, journal entries are one of the more esoteric aspects of accounting, but wielded responsibly they are a powerful tool indeed.
For those in the know, we’ve redesigned the interface for creating journal entries in FreeAgent. Previously you had to create journal entries individually, making sure to create balancing entries for the day.
The new interface now lets you create sets of balancing journal entries in one single go. It’s much faster, more intuitive and less prone to error. Just simply add new lines for each journal entry, select the categories and make sure the Unbalanced amount is zero before creating your journal set.
Just remember to always use this power for good.
Until next time,
Roan and the team at FreeAgent