When rivals join forces - FreeAgent and Crunch

Kevin McCallum
Chief Commercial Officer

Superman and Batman shake hands

Image credit: http://www.geekgirlauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/3-B-S-braveandbold.jpg

You may have heard about an accountancy practice and software provider called Crunch - they’re based out of sunny Brighton and often appear in the news talking about the work that they do with UK small businesses. Oh, and they’re also one of our longstanding rivals.

For the longest time, FreeAgent and Crunch have been vying for the same prize of delivering awesome accounting services to freelancers and micro-businesses, but after years of hunkering down in the trenches and competing against each other, a strange thing started to happen. We found that we actually had a whole lot in common and, rather than staying engaged in bitter rivalry, we could be helping each other out to make things easier for freelancers.

So, like Batman and Superman, we cast aside our differences, joined forces and pledged a new dawn of justice for freelance workers. And this has led to the development of Crunch Sole Trader - a new service for (unsurprisingly) sole traders that combines Crunch’s accountancy expertise with FreeAgent’s award-winning cloud accounting software.

Our partnership means that Crunch’s sole trader clients will now get to manage their day-to-day bookkeeping with FreeAgent, while receiving expert accountancy advice and guidance from Crunch’s team of experts. A win-win for everyone and, hopefully, the start of a beautiful friendship that will help make a big difference for UK freelancers.

From here on, they’re the Maverick to our Iceman, minus the shirtless volleyball. Or, alternatively, the Apollo Creed to our Rocky Balboa, without the bromance and slow motion training montages.

Rocky gif

(none of this, unfortunately)

It’s a superhero partnership that we’re really looking forward to building and strengthening in the years to come. FreeAgent and Crunch: Avengers for the UK’s sole traders.

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