Firmao is a Polish CRM/WMS process automation software dedicated to small and medium-sized businesses. It quickly and easily adapts to the specific needs of any business and can be easily integrated with more than 1,000 external IT systems.

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Benefits of integrating Firmao

Integrating FreeAgent with Firmao can help streamline your financial processes. The automatic data synchronisation reduces manual entry and minimises errors that can occur during manual data transfer between systems.

Consolidating financial data in one place provides you with deeper insights into your business’s financial health.

Due to its modular design, Firmao can quickly and easily adapt to the specific needs of any business and can be easily integrated with more than 1,000 external IT systems.

How Firmao works with FreeAgent

Data is automatically transferred between Firmao and FreeAgent using an integration with Zapier.

For example, when a new invoice is added in Firmao, the data will transfer directly to FreeAgent and create a new accounting task. This allows you to automate many time-consuming activities and ensures that you have up-to-date data on both platforms.

How do I get started with Firmao?

You can integrate FreeAgent with Firmao by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Firmao account.
  2. Select the button on the right with the letter ‘A – admin’.
  3. Select ‘company settings’.
  4. Select ‘Integrations’.
  5. Select ‘API’.
  6. Select ‘Enable API’.
  7. Use the API login and password credentials provided to sign in to Zapier and follow the instructions. 
  8. Sign in to FreeAgent and and select ‘Authorise’ to enable the connection with Zapier.
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